2003 |
December 14
Shows, Quotes, IDs, Bestos
- The latest shows are posted! Listen to two very attitudinal interviews! The first is with Marco Oppedisano, full of guitar and electronics and the prestidigit(iz)ation of the rock guitarist. And then listen to another transformation, from classical Malaysian child to powerful composer of nonpop in many styles, with Su Lian Tan. And then join us next week for a recorded interview with the always-entertaining Al Margolis, who wrestles K&D quickly to the verbal ground. For the rest of our upcoming guests, see the latest playlist page.
- IDs? You want IDs? We got 'em! We've extracted the IDs made for our show by Beata Moon, Christine Baczewska, Thomas Buckner, Jason Eckardt, Charles Coleman, Gary DiBenedetto, Judy Dunaway, Peter Flint, Bruce Gremo, Mark Gustavson, Scott Johnson, Joan LaBarbara, Dennis Darrah, Mary Lou Newmark, Phil Kline, Eve Beglarian, and Elliott Schwartz. Oh, they're not any big deal, but we like 'em, and they show another side of our guest composers.
- New "Best of the Bazaar" is up!. Damian's amazing mix #81 will choke you with laughter and amazement. He has created 81 composition mixes that rival sample mixes from the best DJs and EA composers. These are the best! Go to the Besto page and listen to each clip or all 7-plus hours of them!.
- Some new composer quotes are being uploaded. We'll soon let you know who's talking.
November 30
Gustavson Show is Ready
November 23
Shows are Here!
- Latest shows are posted! The latest shows are posted, including incredible interviews with Christopher Milmerstadt, Jason Eckardt, Eric Ross, and uploading now, Gene 'Noizepunk' Pritsker. Head over to K&D show archive and listen to these about constellations, new complexity, theremins, and, well, noize.
- Join us next week for our interview with Mark Gustavson, recorded in New York. And then Marco Oppedisano heads up from New York to reveal his compositional and performance wisdom on December 6, while Su Lian Tan joins us live in the studio on December 13, and we hope she'll tell us more about the opera she's writing. For the rest of our upcoming guests, see the latest playlist page.
November 16
We Know, We're Bums
- But the music comes first. In our real personae, we performed last night with Eric Ross as a Theremin trio. It was a great show, but preparing for it took away from our online updates. So right now shows with Christopher Milmerstadt, Jason Eckardt, and Eric Ross are encoding. They will be up later today or early tomorrow. More announcements will follow in the next few weeks, but be sure to tune in live for Gene Pritzker next week, November 22!
October 26
Hamilton Show Encoding
- Tom Hamilton's interview is encoding and should be up shortly. Hear classic Hamilton from the late 1970s as well as excerpts from the brand-new CD London Fix.
- Performance head-banging and beauty extraordinaire! Odd Appetite performed live on K&D in a concert featuring the works of Ken Ueno, Stefan Poetzsch, Matt Tierney, Kaija Saariaho, Ha-Yang Kim, and Hillary Zipper. Get it, as well as a New York interview about opera with Su Lian Tan and Eric Salzman on our KalvoNet. And upcoming on December 13 is a live interview with Su Lian Tan! And yoiks, yer not ready for this! Our interview with Christine Baczewska is now posted. Aside from the purity and beauty of the music, you'll be astounded by her clarity of thought. Listen! And there's more: Our interviews with Thomas Buckner, Beata Moon and Charles Coleman are ready for listening. Head for our shows archive page to hear three astoundingly different representatives of the world of new nonpop!
- More about recent past interviews you can hear! Our show with Terry Winter Owens is up (#432). The mysterious and elusive composer speaks about her style, her love of the universe's mysteries, and her influences. Our interview with Steve Gryc is ready to hear (#431); we talk, banter, and exude about band a/k/a wind ensemble music. Also posted is The Loud Show (#430), wherein Kalvos and Damian shout themselves hoarse. We also have a California preview ready for you (#429). These join the incredible interview with Noah Creshevsky (#428) and his ear-jittering listen to hyperrealism! The interviews with Renaissance man Robert Bonotto (#426) and many-handed Dante Oei (with special guest Eli Marshall joining us) (#427) are all up & ready. Don't forget the interviews with Mike Swinchoski and Mark Warhol are now posted, so learn what Mike (#424) does with elegant simplicity, and what Mark (#425) does with elegant simplicity. Lovely, both! While you're browsing our archives, notice that the interview with Andrew Schulze is posted (#423), when he discusses microtonality and shows off his new multi-movement Microtonal Safari. Combine that experience with the restored version of "Temper, Temper" -- also in the archives (#423A) -- and you've got a new way of hearing to add to your sensory apparatus! Earlier in the summer, we spoke with Paul Moravec, who took time from his stay at the MacDowell Colony to join us for a spirited tour through his music (#421). And Evan Johnson's latest visit interview on July 5 is posted as well (#422). There was darn good repartée that demystified new complexity (at least a little). They're all hot for listening right now!.
- We're still busy and answering only limited email. Kalvos is looking for work, and both Damian and Kalvos are practicing for an upcoming performance (theremin, accordion, zucchini, and Eric Ross) here in Vermont on November 15. We've harvested 40 pumpkins, put up our tomato sauce and beans, and are about to plant bulbs for next year. Oh, and the barn reconstruction is going pretty well, despite the arrival of a Dartmoor pony. We will be back in touch ... but please give us lots of time!
- Would you pay for preview shows? K&D really need to support this show. Funding has slacked way off (even ad clickthroughs are down to 45 cents per day), and BitPass is a new micropayment system that provides low-cost (pennies at a time) access to certain features. We've got about 45 interviews recorded for broadcast, and you won't hear some of them until next summer. If we have enough interest in listening to these shows in advance for a token fee, we'll put them up ... we'd planned to do it anyway, but the drop in support from our 700-1,000 daily users to practically zero (thanks to Robert Bonotto, Andrew Schulze, Steve Layton, and Canary Burton for their regular commitment) has given us pause.
- Where are the women? It's a possible hornet's nest, but we gotta ask. Our women composer guests have become elusive. In the past 18 months, just two women composers have come to the WGDR studios for interviews (20 men have), and during our recent California interview tour, the only composers not to show up for their scheduled interviews were women. The proportion of women composers is somewhat well represented on Kalvos & Damian -- but only if we seek them out. Our call for guests (including for our travel interviews) is open and posted widely, and we make it easy for guests to visit us in-studio or when we're on the road. We've made this appeal before, but here it is again: We would be delighted for some pro-activity! Statistics for broadcast shows: 207 broadcast interviews, 157 men, 50 women. In-studio guests among those: 72 men, 20 women (8 of the 20 women during our first 18 months with Vermont composers). Upcoming live: 5 men, 1 woman. Upcoming already recorded: 38 men, 11 women. So where are the women?
- September 11 Musical Gallery is one of our most listened-to features, especially during this month. The New York Times article, "Elegies and Tone Poems Respond to Tragedy," appeared on October 29, 2001. Read Matthew Mirapaul's thoughtful piece about this collection on K&D, and listen to these compositions.
- New "Best of the Bazaar" is up!. Damian's fantabulous mix #80 recently appeared -- and some were also featured in August's Electric Rainbow Festival. These are triumphs! Go to the Besto page and listen to each clip or all 7-plus hours of them!.
- The 2003 Golden Bruce has been awarded to MakeMusic!, authors of Finale music notation software. In case you've never read about the Golden Bruce, it's our annual award for the stupidest or other most ignominious behavior in the world of nonpop. MakeMusic! (don't you hate InterCaps and ! in a name?) decided to copy-protect their latest version of Finale, joining the parade of paranoid companies (like Sibelius, Antares, etc.) who think abusing their users is the way to save their financial behinds. So read about the Golden Bruce 2003 and also have a look at Kalvos's essay and put-up-or-shut-up questionnaire for companies who create copy-protected software.
- Special thanks are due to many folks for our California interview tour. To The Argosy Foundation for funding us; to CalArts and especially Anne LeBaron for hosting us for the southern half of our tour; to Susan Allen for putting us up in Valencia and for feeding us gourmondo-like; to Jacques Bailhé for a wonderful visit & meal in Los Angeles; to Jerry Gerber for hosting us for the northern half of our tour in San Francisco at his Octava Studios; to Antonio Celaya and family for putting us up in Oakland; and to the 25 composers and performers who participated in the interviews. See the bottom of our latest playlist to find out who everyone was!
- The New York Foundation for the Arts did a special issue of NYFA Interactive on new music. Kalvos also had a commentary piece. The news isn't all good or all bad, but all the same.
- Please support K&D with your click. The banner ads at the top of each page are targeted toward the interests of K&D listeners -- as best as the Google ad-server can do, anyway. Have a look ... you might find something interesting, and we can use every penny it generates. And more about money: We've been asked why we ask for money. We rarely revise our funding page, but we've updated some information, including statistics about website use (and the tens of thousands of emails we exchange to make it possible), and our reports for the years 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, and 2002. The economics are becoming critical again, and with 700-plus new visitors each day, a buck or two from each would quickly make all the difference. (We're about to initiate a system using BitPass as well as PayPal. The BitPass micropayment system will make contributing those pennies and dollars much easier.)
- Submitting music to K&D? Use our release form. We're still receiving recordings for broadcast that don't include this release, and that is (in this current climate) a, um, problem. Also note our postal address has been different for about three years, so if you're still using the old Box 2770 address -- please don't!
- WGDR's live stream uses Ogg Vorbis. K&D's present links to the live cybercast all launch a RealAudio stream based on WGDR's previous use of Real and MP3. Real doesn't support Oggs. So until we fix all those doggone links, please go to WGDR.org and pick up the stream directly -- and if you're using a 'classic' MP3 player, get the Ogg Vorbis plugin.
- "Temper, Temper" keeps coming up -- and here it is! Close to 20 years ago, Ross W. Duffin of Case Western Reserve University did an episode of his radio show Micrologus entitled "Temper, Temper" that dealt with different forms of musical temperament. Though not oriented toward new music, it did contain many excellent examples. "Temper, Temper" changed lives -- that's how Dr. Duffin described it to me recently, and he's given us permission to include this program on Kalvos & Damian. So head for our shows archive and look for show #423A -- appropriate because show #423's Andrew Schulze does music in microtonal areas that Dr. Duffin's show addresses brilliantly. Our thanks to Ross Duffin for permission to present this program here.
- Did you know that Frog Peak Music has scores and recordings by K&D guests? Now you do. Give them a visit.
- If your local radio station would like to broadcast K&D, we'll be happy to supply the show on a pair of CDs at a nominal cost. Please contact us for information.
October 20
Odd Appetite Show Posted, Plus Opera Panel!
October 13
Baczewska Show Posted!
- Yoiks, yer not ready for this! Our interview with Christine Baczewska is now posted. Aside from the purity and beauty of the music, you'll be astounded by her clarity of thought. Listen!
- We're still busy and answering only limited email. Kalvos is looking for work, and both Damian and Kalvos are practicing for an upcoming performance (theremin, accordion, zucchini, and Eric Ross) here in Vermont. We've harvested 40 pumpkins, put up our tomato sauce and beans, and are about to plant bulbs for next year. Oh, and the barn reconstruction is going pretty well, despite the arrival of a Dartmoor pony. We will be back in touch ... but please give us lots of time!
- Would you pay for preview shows? K&D really need to support this show. Funding has slacked way off (even ad clickthroughs are down to 45 cents per day), and BitPass is a new micropayment system that provides low-cost (pennies at a time) access to certain features. We've got about 45 interviews recorded for broadcast, and you won't hear some of them until next summer. If we have enough interest in listening to these shows in advance for a token fee, we'll put them up ... we'd planned to do it anyway, but the drop in support from our 700-1,000 daily users to practically zero (thanks to Robert Bonotto, Andrew Schulze, Steve Layton, and Canary Burton for their regular commitment) has given us pause.
October 5
Buckner, Moon, Coleman Shows Ready
- Our interviews with Thomas Buckner, Beata Moon and Charles Coleman are ready! Head for our shows archive page to hear three astoundingly different representatives of the world of new nonpop!
- Where are the women? It's a possible hornet's nest, but we gotta ask. Our women composer guests have become elusive. In the past 18 months, just two women composers have come to the WGDR studios for interviews (20 men have), and during our recent California interview tour, the only composers not to show up for their scheduled interviews were women. The proportion of women composers is somewhat well represented on Kalvos & Damian -- but only if we seek them out. Our call for guests (including for our travel interviews) is open and posted widely, and we make it easy for guests to visit us in-studio or when we're on the road. We've made this appeal before, but here it is again: We would be delighted for some pro-activity! Statistics for broadcast shows: 207 broadcast interviews, 157 men, 50 women. In-studio guests among those: 72 men, 20 women (8 of the 20 women during our first 18 months with Vermont composers). Upcoming live: 5 men, 1 woman. Upcoming already recorded: 38 men, 11 women. So where are the women?
September 21
Charles Coleman Encoding
- Our interview with Charles Coleman is encoding and should be available shortly. Barring a catastrophic ISP failure like we had on Saturday, that is...
September 16
Trying to Reach Us?
- Both Kalvos and Damian have been swamped with mail lately. That, coupled with our two interview tours and several performances past & upcoming as well as some homegrown building construction & winter proparation along with the harvest (we got pumpkins!), has whalloped us back about 200 emails. We will be back in touch ... but please give us a month or maybe even two.
- Today is Kalvos and Damian's 8th anniversary on line! 432 shows broadcast, 188 guests already heard from (some several times) and 47 newly recorded and ready to be heard, and over 563,000 site visitors.
- Please support K&D with your click. We've been averaging 83 cents a day. That's worth about 9 minutes of Kalvos or Damian's time at minimum wage, but thanks again to Steve Layton and Canary Burton for upholding the tradition that a substantial gift is a good thing. By the way, the banner ads at the top of each page are targeted toward the interests of K&D listeners -- as well as the Google ad-server can do -- though Javier Ruiz thought this very interesting, as do we. He screen-captured what he found Google serving to our Golden Bruce Award page, where we railed against copy protection:

September 15
Terry Winter Owens Show Is Posted!
- Our show with Terry Winter Owens is up. The mysterious and elusive composer speaks about her style, her love of the universe's mysteries, and her influences. Encoding now -- available shortly! Show #431 is posted, our interview with Steve Gryc wherein we talk, banter, and exude about band a/k/a wind ensemble music. Also posted is show #430, The Loud Show, wherein Kalvos and Damian shout themselves hoarse. These join the incredible interview with Noah Creshevsky (#428) and his ear-jittering listen to hyperrealism! We also have a California preview ready for you in show #429. The interviews with Renaissance man Robert Bonotto (#427) and many-handed Dante Oei (with special guest Eli Marshall joining us) (#426) are all up & ready. Don't forget the interviews with Mike Swinchoski and Mark Warhol are now posted, so learn what Mike (#424) does with elegant simplicity, and what Mark (#425) does with simplicity. Lovely, both! While you're browsing our archives, notice that the interview with Andrew Schulze is posted, when he discusses microtonality and shows off his new multi-movement Microtonal Safari. Combine that experience with the restored version of "Temper, Temper" (also in the archives) and you've got a new way of hearing to add to your sensory apparatus! Earlier in the summer, we spoke with Paul Moravec, who took time from his stay at the MacDowell Colony to join us for a spirited tour through his music. And Evan Johnson's latest visit interview on July 5 is posted as well. There was darn good repartée that demystified new complexity (at least a little). They're all hot for listening right now! These shows join recent ones available on KalvoNet: The conclusion of our interview with Michel van der Aa, and the beginning of an exciting interview about authorship and women in electroacoustic music with Hannah Bosma, both recorded in Amsterdam.
- September 11 Musical Gallery is one of our most listened-to features, especially during this month. The New York Times article, "Elegies and Tone Poems Respond to Tragedy," appeared on October 29, 2001. Read Matthew Mirapaul's thoughtful piece about this collection on K&D, and listen to these compositions.
- New "Best of the Bazaar" is up!. Damian's fantabulous mix #80 recently appeared -- and some were also featured in August's Electric Rainbow Festival. These are triumphs! Go to the Besto page and listen to each clip or all 7-plus hours of them!.
- In our ongoing search for a searcher that we like, we've put in place the Zoom Searcher from Wrensoft. Although the the Phpdig searcher we've been using recently provides more detailed results, it has been unreliable and takes many hours to complete its indexing. And we can never be sure it will do the job right. So until we update the navigation column search box, please use the second searcher on our search page. Thanks!
- The 2003 Golden Bruce has been awarded to MakeMusic!, authors of Finale music notation software. In case you've never read about the Golden Bruce, it's our annual award for the stupidest or other most ignominious behavior in the world of nonpop. MakeMusic! (don't you hate InterCaps and ! in a name?) decided to copy-protect their latest version of Finale, joining the parade of paranoid companies (like Sibelius, Antares, etc.) who think abusing their users is the way to save their financial behinds. So read about the Golden Bruce 2003 and also have a look at Kalvos's essay and put-up-or-shut-up questionnaire for companies who create copy-protected software.
- Special thanks are due to many folks for our California interview tour. To The Argosy Foundation for funding us; to CalArts and especially Anne LeBaron for hosting us for the southern half of our tour; to Susan Allen for putting us up in Valencia and for feeding us gourmondo-like; to Jacques Bailhé for a wonderful visit & meal in Los Angeles; to Jerry Gerber for hosting us for the northern half of our tour in San Francisco at his Octava Studios; to Antonio Celaya and family for putting us up in Oakland; and to the 25 composers and performers who participated in the interviews. See the bottom of our latest playlist to find out who everyone was!
- The New York Foundation for the Arts did a special issue of NYFA Interactive on new music. Kalvos also had a commentary piece. The news isn't all good or all bad, but all the same.
- Please support K&D with your click. The banner ads at the top of each page are targeted toward the interests of K&D listeners -- as best as the Google ad-server can do, anyway. Have a look ... you might find something interesting, and we can use every penny it generates.
- Money, money, money. We've been asked why we ask for money. We rarely revise our funding page, but we've updated some information, including statistics about website use (and the tens of thousands of emails we exchange to make it possible), and our reports for the years 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, and 2002. The economics are becoming critical again, and with 700-plus new visitors each day, a buck or two from each would quickly make all the difference. (We're about to initiate a system using BitPass as well as PayPal. The BitPass micropayment system will make contributing those pennies and dollars much easier.)
- Submitting music to K&D? Use our release form. We're still receiving recordings for broadcast that don't include this release, and that is (in this current climate) a, um, problem. Also note our postal address has been different for about three years, so if you're still using the old Box 2770 address -- please don't!
- WGDR's live stream uses Ogg Vorbis. K&D's present links to the live cybercast all launch a RealAudio stream based on WGDR's previous use of Real and MP3. Real doesn't support Oggs. So until we fix all those doggone links, please go to WGDR.org and pick up the stream directly -- and if you're using a 'classic' MP3 player, get the Ogg Vorbis plugin.
- "Temper, Temper" keeps coming up -- and here it is! Close to 20 years ago, Ross W. Duffin of Case Western Reserve University did an episode of his radio show Micrologus entitled "Temper, Temper" that dealt with different forms of musical temperament. Though not oriented toward new music, it did contain many excellent examples. "Temper, Temper" changed lives -- that's how Dr. Duffin described it to me recently, and he's given us permission to include this program on Kalvos & Damian. So head for our shows archive and look for show #423A -- appropriate because show #423's Andrew Schulze does music in microtonal areas that Dr. Duffin's show addresses brilliantly. Our thanks to Ross Duffin for permission to present this program here.
- Something new: Advance interviews. Coming up soon will be interviews with the New York and California composers, posted here in advance of their broadcasts. Because we'll have some much new info & new ideas, we'll post these interviews as soon as we convert them. Then, when the show is broadcast, we'll replace it. Some special content is only available on-line, including "Temper, Temper" (see announcement above) and a special panel to discuss Daron Hagen's new opera, including Su Lian Tan and Eric Salzman recorded in New York. We haven't decided yet, but this may become K&D's first "premium content" for members only, as contributions have not kept up with our show's production costs. Please send us your contribution. Go to our contact page to mail your contribution or drop your contribution into our PayPal account.
- Did you know that Frog Peak Music has scores and recordings by K&D guests? Now you do. Give them a visit.
- If your local radio station would like to broadcast K&D, we'll be happy to supply the show on a pair of CDs at a nominal cost. Please contact us for information.
September 6
Please Use our New Searcher
September 5
2003 Golden Bruce is Awarded!
September 1
The Loud Show is Soon!
- Shows #428 and 429 are posted, and show #430 is encoding. The incredible interview with Noah Creshevsky is posted, and you won't want to miss his ear-jittering listen to hyperrealism! We also have a California preview ready for you in show #429. The interviews with Renaissance man Robert Bonotto #427 and many-handed Dante Oei (with special guest Eli Marshall joining us) #426 are all up & ready. The latest -- The Loud Show, wherein Kalvos and Damian shout themselves hoarse -- should be up by Tuesday night.
- Special thanks are due to many folks for our California interview tour. To The Argosy Foundation for funding us; to CalArts and especially Anne LeBaron for hosting us for the southern half of our tour; to Susan Allen for putting us up in Valencia and for feeding us gourmondo-like; to Jacques Bailhé for a wonderful visit & meal in Los Angeles; to Jerry Gerber for hosting us for the northern half of our tour in San Francisco at his Octava Studios; to Antonio Celaya and family for putting us up in Oakland; and to the 25 composers and performers who participated in the interviews. See the bottom of our latest playlist to find out who everyone was!
- The New York Foundation for the Arts did a special issue of NYFA Interactive on new music. Kalvos also had a commentary piece. The news isn't all good or all bad, but all the same.
- Please support K&D with your click. The banner ads at the top of each page are targeted toward the interests of K&D listeners -- as best as the Google ad-server can do, anyway. Have a look ... you might find something interesting, and we can use every penny it generates.
August 25
We are back. Yee-hah.
- We have returned from California, loaded with interview recordings. For the broadcast schedule and hints on the on-line postings, see the latest playlist.
- Shows #426 and 427 are posted, and shows #428 and #429 are encoding. The interviews with Renaissance man Robert Bonotto and many-handed Dante Oei (with special guest Eli Marshall joining us) are all up & ready. The interview with Noah Creshevsky is encoding, and you won't want to miss this whirlwind tour of hyperrealism! Do a hyperreality-check back today or tomorrow. And finally, the California preview is encoding (as Matt Borghi couldn't make it into the studio), and gives an idea of K&D's head-stretching hours too close to the Pacific Ocean.
- You may have noticed our new ads. These should help support us, but click-through is running a slim 0.6% for a take so far in August of $12.13. These targeted ads actually have some useful stuff (Kalvos bought a composer calendar), so have a look now & then!
August 9
Shows encoding...
- Shows #426 and 427 are encoding. Check back in August 10 for our interviews with Robert Bonotto and Dante Oei (with special guest Eli Marshall joining us.)
- Pages coming up blank? Microsoft's latest browser update apparently failed to include a critical component to display fast-loading gzipped pages. Since this was a so-called security update that everybody started using, it meant that we had to turn gzipping off. Everybody gets slower downloads because our friends at Microsoft blew another update. Anyway, you IE6 users should be seeing our pages again, if slower.
August 8
About Those Ads...
- Our sponsorship requests to you went unheeded. Not a single dollar fell in our electronic mailslot in nearly three weeks. So we have reluctantly put advertisements at the top of our pages, replacing the upcoming events scroll. We had hoped that this wouldn't have been necessary, but it is. At least the ads are clean and simple.
- A bit delayed... but our playlists and other materials from the past two weeks should appear on Sunday, August 10, including the great fun we had with composer, artist, writer, actor and all-around madman Robert Bonotto. Please listen to our show tomorrow, recorded in Amsterdam, with Dante Oei
July 27
What Do We Do With All That Money?
- Money, money, money. We've been asked why we ask for money. We rarely revise our funding page, but we've updated some information, including statistics about website use (and the tens of thousands of emails we exchange to make it possible), and our reports for the years 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, and 2002. The economics are becoming critical again, and with 700-plus new visitors each day, a buck or two from each would quickly make all the difference. (We're about to initiate a system using BitPass as well as PayPal. The BitPass micropayment system will make contributing those pennies and dollars much easier.)
- Interviews with Mike Swinchoski and Mark Warhol are now posted! Learn what Mike (show #424) does with elegant simplicity, and what Mark (show #425) does with simplicity. Lovely, both!
July 20
Motley Collection of Stress-Free Summer Info
- Do we gotta fill K&D up with flashing banner ads? Pop up stuff in yer face? Turn it into a porn site? Gosh, it's really time to send us your support. Yes, we received a generous gift from The Argosy Foundation; yes, we have server discounts from pair Networks; and yes, we have streaming funding from The Princeton String Academy. But these don't come close to the budget. We have lots of work to do this year and next -- including nearly $15,000 required to transcribe all 200 K&D interviews. Go to our contact page to mail your contribution or drop your contribution into our PayPal account. Kalvos & Damian (as well as monthly -- yes, that's monthly! -- contributors Canary Burton, Steve Layton, Robert Bonotto, and Matthew Fields) will thank you. A special appreciation to composer-listener Terry Winter Owens for a generous contribution in July. Please follow Terry's lead and go to our contact page to mail your contribution or drop your contribution into our PayPal account.
- Submitting music to K&D? Use our release form. We're still receiving recordings for broadcast that don't include this release, and that is (in this current climate) a, um, problem. Also note our postal address has been different for about three years, so if you're still using the old Box 2770 address -- please don't!
- WGDR's live stream uses Ogg Vorbis. K&D's present links to the live cybercast all launch a RealAudio stream based on WGDR's previous use of Real and MP3. Real doesn't support Oggs. So until we fix all those doggone links, please go to WGDR.org and pick up the stream directly -- and if you're using a 'classic' MP3 player, get the Ogg Vorbis plugin.
- We have a brand new search engine. Look for at at the bottom of the navigation column on every K&D page. Our old search engine from WhatUSeek.com was failing -- not only did it fail to index all our pages, but it omitted anything attached to a colon. Unfortunately, our entire playlist consists of listings like "John Smith: New Tune for June", so none of the composers were showing up. We've installed phpDig on our own servers and it seems to be doing the job. Feedback is, as usual, welcome.
- Upcoming guests (with the list on our playlist page) are going to be exciting! Next week Mark Warhol joins us live from Montréal, and long-time K&D supporter, artist and composer Robert Bonotto drops in for some music & wordplay on August 2. Recorded in Amsterdam will be our interview with composer, performer, and presenter Dante Oei on August 9. If hyperrealism is your thing, or it isn't yet, join us on August 16 for Noah Creshevsky, not from New York with ideas aplenty. Matt Borghi returns on August 23 to help us co-host the Electric Rainbow Electroacoustic Music Festival from Dartmouth, and eminent composer Elliott Schwartz is coming back for another round on August 30; Steven Gryc will talk about -- yes! -- band music on September 6; and Charles Coleman hits the K&D studio on September 13. Tentatively visiting on October 18 will be the Odd Appetite performance team of Nathan Davis and Ha-Yang Kim. Be there for everyone!
- Our interview with Mike Swinchoski will be posted in a day or two. Watch for it! Mike is a consummate composer of minimal (not Minimalist) music, with each short experiment focusing on a single compositional idea. A lesson for musical blowhards like Kalvos!
- The interview with Andrew Schulze is now posted. Listen to Andrew discuss microtonality and show off his new multi-movement Microtonal Safari. Combine that experience with the restored version of "Temper, Temper" (see yesterday's announcements) and you've got a new way of hearing to add to your sensory apparatus! The interview with Paul Moravec is also posted. Paul took time from his stay at the MacDowell Colony to join us for a spirited tour through his music. And Evan Johnson's latest interview on July 5 is just posted as well. There was darn good repartée that demystified new complexity (at least a little). They're both hot for listening right now! These shows join recent ones available on KalvoNet: The conclusion of our interview with Michel van der Aa, and the beginning of an exciting interview about authorship and women in electroacoustic music with Hannah Bosma, both recorded in Amsterdam.
- "Temper, Temper" keeps coming up -- and here it is! Close to 20 years ago, Ross W. Duffin of Case Western Reserve University did an episode of his radio show Micrologus entitled "Temper, Temper" that dealt with different forms of musical temperament. Though not oriented toward new music, it did contain many excellent examples. "Temper, Temper" changed lives -- that's how Dr. Duffin described it to me recently, and he's given us permission to include this program on Kalvos & Damian. So head for our shows archive and look for show #423A -- appropriate because show #423's Andrew Schulze does music in microtonal areas that Dr. Duffin's show addresses brilliantly. Our thanks to Ross Duffin for permission to present this program here.
- We were hot, hot, hot during our New York trip -- the two of us, that is, not our content. We came back from New York in June (where it was hot, hot, hot) to Vermont (where it still is hot, hot, hot in July), and have two dozen interviews ready to roll, and new photos on the many composer pages. Fun! We got to see Daron Hagen's "Vera of Las Vegas" and eat some great Thai, Cuban, Mexican, and Italian food ... and donuts. Oh... and you don't wanna see this when you walk into JetBlue's departure area:

- Something new: Advance interviews. Coming up soon will be interviews with the New York composers, posted here in advance of their broadcasts. Because we'll have some much new info & new ideas, we'll post these and our upcoming California interviews as soon as we convert them. Then, when the show is broadcast, we'll replace it. Some special content is only available on-line, including "Temper, Temper" (see announcement above) and a special panel to discuss Daron Hagen's new opera, including Su Lian Tan and Eric Salzman recorded in New York. We haven't decided yet, but this may become K&D's first "premium content" for members only, as contributions have not kept up with our show's production costs. Please send us your contribution. Go to our contact page to mail your contribution or drop your contribution into our PayPal account.
- We welcome Frank J. Oteri as a new member of our Board of Advisors. Editor of AMC's NewMusicBox, Frank has made a significant contribution to the presentation of new music, and won the first ASCAP-Deems Taylor Award for Internet Journalism (K&D won the second one.)
- Did you know that Frog Peak Music has scores and recordings by K&D guests? Now you do. Give them a visit.
- Upcoming in the next few months will be a new K&D feature: A front-page essay by Kalvos. He's really feeling like Jon Stewart about the goings-on in the music world, just not as funny. Actually, the first paragraph or two will be on the front page, leading you to the discussion forum where you may throw brickbats or post your own essays. Really cool ones will be included on the K&D Essay Collection.
- New "Best of the Bazaar" are also up!. Damian's fantabulous mixes #78 and #79 are available. The last one's gotta be a triumph! Go to the Besto page and listen to each clip or all 7-plus hours of them!.
- September 11 Musical Gallery is one of our most listened-to features. The New York Times article, "Elegies and Tone Poems Respond to Tragedy," appeared on October 29, 2001. Read Matthew Mirapaul's thoughtful piece about this collection on K&D.
- If your local radio station would like to broadcast K&D, we'll be happy to supply the show on a pair of CDs at a nominal cost. Please contact us for information.
July 16
Andrew Schulze Show Posted
- Our interview with Andrew Schulze is now posted. Listen to Andrew discuss microtonality and show off his new multi-movement Microtonal Safari. Combine that experience with the restored version of "Temper, Temper" (see yesterday's announcements) and you've got a new way of hearing to add to your sensory apparatus!
July 15
Special "Micrologus" Segment
- "Temper, Temper" keeps coming up. Close to 20 years ago, Ross W. Duffin of Case Western Reserve University did an episode of his radio show Micrologus entitled "Temper, Temper" that dealt with different forms of musical temperament. Though not oriented toward new music, it did contain many excellent examples. "Temper, Temper" changed lives -- that's how Dr. Duffin described it to me recently, and he's given us permission to include this program on Kalvos & Damian. So head for our shows archive and look for show #423A -- appropriate because Andrew Schulze does music in microtonal areas that Dr. Duffin's show addresses brilliantly. Our thanks to Ross Duffin for permission to present this program here.
July 12
Next Week: Mike Swinchoski
- We've waited several years for this... At last, Mike Swinchoski is joining K&D for a live show on July 19. Listen in live, or to our archives. (Speaking of which, the interview with Andrew Schulze will be posted shortly.)
July 6
Moravec, Johnson Shows Posted
July 4
Hot, Hot, Hot
- That's us, not our content. But seriously, there is lots of new stuff. We're back from New York (where it was hot, hot, hot) to Vermont (where it still is hot, hot, hot), and have two dozen interviews ready to roll, and new photos on the many composer pages. Fun! We got to see Daron Hagen's "Vera of Las Vegas" and eat some great Thai, Cuban, Mexican, and Italian food ... and donuts. Oh... and you don't wanna see this when you walk into JetBlue's departure area:

- Evan Johnson returns as our guest July 5. Yes, he'll have lots more to say about the state of new music, and promises us some rare recordings. And we're streaming again live from WGDR, so listen in.
- Something new: Advance interviews. Coming up soon will be interviews with the New York composers, posted here in advance of their broadcasts. Because we'll have some much new info & new ideas, we'll post these and our upcoming California interviews as soon as we convert them. Then, when the show is broadcast, we'll replace it. We haven't decided yet, but this may become K&D's first "premium content" for members only, as contributions have not kept up with our show's production costs. Please send us your contribution. Go to our contact page to mail your contribution or drop your contribution into our PayPal account.
- Our interview with Paul Moravec will be posted soon. We're converting it now, and will upload today or tomorrow.
- We welcome Frank J. Oteri as a new member of our Board of Advisors. Editor of AMC's NewMusicBox, Frank has made a significant contribution to the presentation of new music, and won the first ASCAP-Deems Taylor Award for Internet Journalism (K&D won the second one.)
June 21
Off to New York
- We have no news... ...other than that we'll be gone for a few days to record interviews with two dozen composer in New York. Next week we'll be back for an in-studio interview with Paul Moravec. In fact, the rest of the summer is filled with composers coming to Vermont. So check the latest playlist for the schedule of upcoming guests, and we'll see you in a week!
June 1
New Shows Available
- The latest shows are posted! The conclusion of our interview with Michel van der Aa, and the beginning of an exciting interview about authorship and women in electroacoustic music with Hannah Bosma, both recorded in Amsterdam.
- Please note schedule changes. Our upcoming show schedules are always found at the bottom of our latest playlist. Because the examples to illustrate Hannah Bosma's commentaries were expanded, we moved several shows around. But Barry Drogin is coming on time into the studio on June 7!. So watch for that show archive, or if you're in the area, listen to us on the air.
- Upcoming guests (with the list on our playlist page) are going to be exciting! Finishing her interview on the politics of women in electroacoustic music will be Hannah Bosma on June 14 (recorded in Amsterdam); risking live-in-the-studio torment will be Barry Drogin on June 7, with some live a cappella from him; then join Vermont composer Erik Nielsen in the studio on June 21 with word on his Kennedy Center commission; hear how a composer-performer-presenter makes his life work with Dante Oei on June 14 (recorded in Amsterdam); Evan Johnson visits us with new compositions & recordings on July 5, and Andrew Schulze does the same on July 12; without a doubt, be amazed by an in-studio appearance by Mike Swinchoski on July 19; we have a special panel to discuss Daron Hagen's new opera, including Su Lian Tan and Lowell Lieberman on July 26 (to be recorded in New York); long-time K&D supporter, artist and composer Robert Bonotto drops in for some music & wordplay on August 2; on June 28, determined Dutch composer Margriet Hoenderdos reveals her approach to music (recorded in Amsterdam); vocal artist/composer Christine Baczewska is guaranteed to intimidate Kalvos and Damian on August 16 (to be recorded in New York); prep yourself for slow-tune-fast-talk composer Matt Borghi and his return on August 23; incomprehensibly, eminent composer Elliott Schwartz is coming back for another round on August 30; Steven Gryc will talk about -- yes! -- band music on September 6; and another New York recording will be with the quirky and innovative Scott Johnson on September 13. Be there!
May 25
Ninth Year, New Shows, Upcoming Guests
- This is the start of Kalvos & Damian's ninth year on the air. Thanks to everyone for their enthusiasm that has kept us at this!
- Kalvos is back, so website updates are in progress.
- Did you know that Frog Peak Music has scores and recordings by K&D guests? Now you do. Give them a visit.
- Upcoming in the next few months will be a new K&D feature: A front-page essay by Kalvos. He's really feeling like Jon Stewart about the goings-on in the music world, just not as funny. Actually, the first paragraph or two will be on the front page, leading you to the discussion forum where you may throw brickbats or post your own essays. Really cool ones will be included on the K&D Essay Collection.
- Were you our 500,000th visitor? If you were, show us a screen capture with filetime & date, and send it to us as a JPEG. We're reward you with a handsome recording and a mention on the air!
- Where did our guest list go?? Thanks for asking! The full list of past & future guests that used to be on the homepage is now updated at cmpindx.html
- New "Best of the Bazaar" are also up!. Damian's fantabulous mixes #78 and #79 are available. The last one's gotta be a triumph! Go to the Besto page and listen to each clip or all 7-plus hours of them!.
- Got K&D in you? If so, please send us your contribution. Even though we received a generous gift from The Argosy Foundation, we have lots of work to do this year -- including a budget of nearly $15,000 required to transcribe all 200 K&D interviews. Go to our contact page to mail your contribution or drop your contribution into our PayPal account. Kalvos & Damian -- as well as monthly contributors Canary Burton, Steve Layton, and Matthew Fields -- will thank you. A special appreciation to composer-listener Phil Jackson for a generous contribution. Please follow Phil's lead and go to our contact page to mail your contribution or drop your contribution into our PayPal account.
- September 11 Musical Gallery is one of our most listened-to features. The New York Times article, "Elegies and Tone Poems Respond to Tragedy," appeared on October 29, 2001. Read Matthew Mirapaul's thoughtful piece about this collection on K&D.
- If your local radio station would like to broadcast K&D, we'll be happy to supply the show on a pair of CDs at a nominal cost. Please contact us for information.
May 25
Ninth Year, New Shows, Upcoming Guests
- This is the start of Kalvos & Damian's ninth year on the air. Thanks to everyone for their enthusiasm that has kept us at this!
- The latest shows are being uploaded today! Saint Blanche, the Letter S, and an interview with Michel van der Aa, recorded in Amsterdam.
- Upcoming guests (with the list on our playlist page) are going to be exciting! Speaking on the politics of women in electroacoustic music will be Hannah Bosma on May 31 (recorded in Amsterdam); risking live-in-the-studio torment will be Barry Drogin on June 7, with some live a cappella from him; hear how a composer-performer-presenter makes his life work with Dante Oei on June 14 (recorded in Amsterdam); then join Vermont composer Erik Nielsen in the studio on June 21 with word on his Kennedy Center commission; on June 28, determined Dutch composer Margriet Hoenderdos reveals her approach to music (recorded in Amsterdam); Evan Johnson visits us with new compositions & recordings on July 5, and Andrew Schulze does the same on July 12; without a doubt, be amazed by an in-studio appearance by Mike Swinchoski on July 19; we have a special panel to discuss Daron Hagen's new opera, including Su Lian Tan and Lowell Lieberman on July 26 (to be recorded in New York); long-time K&D supporter, artist and composer Robert Bonotto drops in for some music & wordplay on August 2; vocal artist/composer Christine Baczewska is guaranteed to intimidate Kalvos and Damian on August 9 (to be recorded in New York); another New York recording will be with the quirky and innovative Scott Johnson on August 16; prep yourself for slow-tune-fast-talk composer Matt Borghi and his return on August 23; incomprehensibly, eminent composer Elliott Schwartz is coming back for another round on August 30, and Steven Gryc will talk about -- yes! -- band music on September 6. Be there!
- Kalvos is back, so website updates are in progress.
- Did you know that Frog Peak Music has scores and recordings by K&D guests? Now you do. Give them a visit.
- Upcoming in the next few months will be a new K&D feature: A front-page essay by Kalvos. He's really feeling like Jon Stewart about the goings-on in the music world, just not as funny. Actually, the first paragraph or two will be on the front page, leading you to the discussion forum where you may throw brickbats or post your own essays. Really cool ones will be included on the K&D Essay Collection.
- Were you our 500,000th visitor? If you were, show us a screen capture with filetime & date, and send it to us as a JPEG. We're reward you with a handsome recording and a mention on the air!
- Where did our guest list go?? Thanks for asking! The full list of past & future guests that used to be on the homepage is now updated at cmpindx.html
- New "Best of the Bazaar" are also up!. Damian's fantabulous mixes #78 and #79 are available. The last one's gotta be a triumph! Go to the Besto page and listen to each clip or all 7-plus hours of them!.
- Got K&D in you? If so, please send us your contribution. Even though we received a generous gift from The Argosy Foundation, we have lots of work to do this year -- including a budget of nearly $15,000 required to transcribe all 200 K&D interviews. Go to our contact page to mail your contribution or drop your contribution into our PayPal account. Kalvos & Damian -- as well as monthly contributors Canary Burton, Steve Layton, and Matthew Fields -- will thank you. A special appreciation to composer-listener Phil Jackson for a generous contribution. Please follow Phil's lead and go to our contact page to mail your contribution or drop your contribution into our PayPal account.
- September 11 Musical Gallery is one of our most listened-to features. The New York Times article, "Elegies and Tone Poems Respond to Tragedy," appeared on October 29, 2001. Read Matthew Mirapaul's thoughtful piece about this collection on K&D.
- If your local radio station would like to broadcast K&D, we'll be happy to supply the show on a pair of CDs at a nominal cost. Please contact us for information.
May 5
Upcoming Guests, Kalvos Gets Heard
- We have some terrific guests upcoming on K&D! Risking live-in-the-studio torment will be Barry Drogin June 7, Erik Nielsen June 21, Evan Johnson July 5, Andrew Schulze July 12, Mike Swinchoski July 19, Robert Bonotto August 2, Matt Borghi August 23, Elliott Schwartz August 30, and Steven Gryc September 6. We are also recording interviews in Amsterdam, New York, and several locales in California. We'll announce the broadcasts later, but for now you can read who we're talking with on our latest playlist page.
- Dennis a/k/a Kalvos has a concert at Zaal 100 in Amsterdam, and takes the opportunity to announce it here. If you're in the area on May 14, please join Dante Oei and his ensemble to hear a performance of Noma, The Herd, LowBirds, Middelburd, HighBirds (Prime), Lullaby for Bill and other works. You can also listen to the concert on line.
- Kalvos will be away because of the concert mentioned above, so this website will not be updated after May 9. Please post your concert notices in the discussion board and Kalvos will try to do an occasional update of the scrolling concert list while he's away.
April 28
April 8
Upcoming New Feature: Front Page Essay
April 4
Site Briefly on Hold; Upcoming Guests
- Due to an illness in the family of Dennis Báthory-Kitsz ("Kalvos"), the website will not be updated the coming week. David "Damian" Gunn will be doing the K&D show Kalvos-less on April 5, with a special covering the diverse and strange Musicworks label and magazine. Kalvos will be back April 12.
- Our latest playlist also lists upcoming guests. Upcoming on April 26 is John Arrigo-Nelson in the studio, but find out when these composers are visiting the show: Erik Nielsen, Evan Johnson, Andrew Schulze, Mike Swinchoski, Robert Bonotto, Matt Borghi, Elliott Schwartz and Steven Gryc.
- We need contributions of any size. The economic climate is tough, but we believe in new nonpop and have worked hard for eight years to make it continue to happen on radio and on line. But contributions -- save for our loyal Canary Burton and Steve Layton have all but vanished. Although we have received a generous gift from The Argosy Foundation, we have lots of work to do this year and the Argosy gift doesn't cover half of it. Please go to our contact page to mail your contribution or drop your contribution into our PayPal account.
March 22
In Memoriam: Gilles Yves Bonneau
- Our dear friend & fellow composer Gilles Yves Bonneau has died. We interrupted our scheduled overview of Pogus Records to present a special retrospective look at Gilles's music. The archived show will be posted shortly. In the meantime, here is an appreciation of Gilles by Kalvos.
- Mary Lou Newmark's show is now posted. We sure hope we'll be able to broadcast that spectacular Canto de Luz electric violin concerto soon!
- Are you our 500,000th visitor? If you are, capture the screen showing the time, with filetime & date, and send it to us as a JPEG. We're reward you with a handsome recording and a mention on the air!
March 17
Latest Show Up Shortly
March 9
Mary Lou Newmark Next Week, plus Shows and Clips are Posted!
- Next week: Mary Lou Newmark live on K&D! About to premiere her gorgeous Canto de Luz, a new concerto for electric violin, Los Angeles's green-violin virtuoso is coming to Vermont to play her new piece with the Montpelier Chamber Orchestra. See you there! And see you here next week when we post this show!
- Our latest shows are posted! We forgot to mention last week, but we're trying to keep up-to-date on shows. So you can hear our overviews of the nonpop labels Frog Peak, OO, XI, New World, and innova. These join other recent shows. On show #400, we marked the loss of CRI Records. The "Composers' Wisdom" series are #395-399 (and there are previous shows in this 13-program series). Our interview with Kyoko Kobayashi is posted, with short answers that had both Kalvos and Damian scrambling, and the one with Daniel Goode, who had long answers that amounted to the same flummoxing of K & D. These shows join the recent two-parter with Michael Boriskin's detailed views on new music, complete with George Perle analysis & demo, followed by Steven Holochwost's tonal approach to the serial techniques, and K&D's own latest favorite tunes! Playlists are up, too, if you want to know what was heard.
- New "Best of the Bazaar" are also up!. Damian's fantabulous mixes #76 and #77 are available. The last one's gotta be a triumph! Go to the Besto page and listen to each clip or all 7-plus hours of them!.
- Did we mention clips?. Yessss, audio interview clips are posted with Janice Giteck, Michael Boriskin, and Stephen Holochwost. These join recent clip additions by Laurie Anderson, Daniel Goode, James Grant, Tom Heasley, George Lewis, and Elliott Schwartz
- Our new bulletin board is open to everyone.. Kalvos has been about the only one posting so far! Post your concert announcements, new releases, arguments & questions, discussion, and -- um -- recipes!
- Got K&D in you? If so, please send us your contribution. Even though we received a generous gift from The Argosy Foundation, we have lots of work to do this year -- including a budget of nearly $15,000 required to transcribe all 200 K&D interviews. Go to our contact page to mail your contribution or drop your contribution into our PayPal account. Kalvos & Damian -- as well as monthly contributors Canary Burton, Steve Layton, and Matthew Fields -- will thank you.
- September 11 Musical Gallery is one of our most listened-to features. The New York Times article, "Elegies and Tone Poems Respond to Tragedy," appeared on October 29, 2001. Read Matthew Mirapaul's thoughtful piece about this collection on K&D.
- Do you prefer MP3 format? We have used RealAudio on this site since 1995. Our arrangements with composers and record labels keep us at a modem-streaming mono format for archived shows, but we want to move to MP3/32K streaming. We have posted all shows since August 10 in dual formats. We do not plan to convert our earlier 370-plus shows. That means two players (Real and MP3) to listen to everything. Also, MP3 files are 50% bigger than RealAudio. So we really need your feedback on whether to switch. Please let's hear from you!
- If your local radio station would like to broadcast K&D, we'll be happy to supply the show on a pair of CDs at a nominal cost. Please contact us for information.
- Have you been listening to Ought-One? Almost the entire Ought-One Festival (More about Ought-One itself is found here, including some great reviews.) has been broadcast and cybercast on K&D, and is archived in our 2001 and 2002 shows. Check out the audio archives and playlists for more info, or our past notices for a brief description of these festival concert shows.
- Our 2002 Report to Contributors is now available. Download and read this report (PDF format) and convince yourself that supporting Kalvos & Damian is a valuable exercise in artistic integrity!
- Site redesign includes some new features, including the scrolling concert announcements. Please send us your announcements, and also your comments on the new design. Read about the new design here.
- Our site search, provided by WhatUSeek.com is not working properly. Our playlists have lots of entries with colons (such as John Cage: Music of Changes). WhatUSeek's searcher chokes on the colons and doesn't show all entries that include them. So composers searches have gone bad until they fix it. We'll let you know.
March 8
Everybody Can Post! and Mary Lou Newmark
- Our new bulletin board is open to everyone.. Kalvos has been about the only one posting so far! Post your concert announcements, new releases, arguments & questions, discussion, and -- um -- recipes!
- Next week: Mary Lou Newmark live on K&D! About to premiere her gorgeous Canto de Luz, a new concerto for electric violin, Los Angeles's green-violin virtuoso is coming to Vermont to play her new piece with the Montpelier Chamber Orchestra. See you there! And see you here next week when we post this show!
March 1
Site Redesign Update
- Site redesign includes some new features, including the scrolling concert announcements. Please send us your announcements, and also your comments on the new design. Read about the new design here.
- Our visit from Paulo Chagas didn't happen. The US public transportation system meant Paulo would have left New Haven at 2:00 pm on Friday and arrived in New York at 5:00 pm on Sunday -- more than two days for a Saturday afternoon show, and too late for his flight home. We'll catch up with Paulo in Germany, where the trains do run.
- Our site search, provided by WhatUSeek.com is not working properly. Our playlists have lots of entries with colons (such as John Cage: Music of Changes). WhatUSeek's searcher chokes on the colons and doesn't show all entries that include them. So composers searches have gone bad until they fix it. We'll let you know.
February 23
Site Redesign ... Phew
- It was time for a new look, so here it is! Yes, we like a plain, no-nonsense feel. It should be easier to navigate, easier to read, and clean. We've put stylesheets to work, so the pages will be faster loading and better looking. Read about the new design here. We have nearly 1,000 separate pages (over 5,200 documents) that go back over eight years, so some things are bound to break. If you find a broken page, please let us know!
- Next week's guest is a surprise visit from Paulo Chagas, originally from Brazil, but the last 20 years living in Germany. He'll give us the low-down on the life & shutdown of WDR's electronic music studios in Cologne. Don't miss this explosive live interview!
- Due to the site redesign, this week's playlist and show archive will be a few days late. It will be here -- the show "Frogooxi", an overview of nonpop labels Frog Peak, OO Discs, and XI.
- Hey! Di'n't nobody listen to last week's K&D AM fun show? C'mon, let us know. We di'n't grow up in Noo Jeuzey and not know AM!
- Our 2002 Report to Contributors is now available. Download and read this report (PDF format) and convince yourself that supporting Kalvos & Damian is a valuable exercise in artistic integrity!
February 15
Have Fun With Us! K&D AM!
- Kalvos & Damian as AM Radio? We celebrated show #400 on show #402, and it's already posted. If you've ever wondered what nonpop would sound like in a nonstop AM-radio atmosphere, dig into K&D AM ... and let us know if you'd like AM NonPop in your area!
February 9
New Forums, New Shows, New Clips, Wow!
- Announcing the K&D Forums! We have two new opportunities to discuss nonpop: The K&D Discussion Forum for topics of extended interest, and the K&D Live Discussion Room where you can exchange ideas in real time. The Discussion Forum works for everybody, but the Live Room is a Java thing, so don't be surprised by the loading time, and if it doesn't work on your machine (and it's free, so there will be an advertisement for the software creator). See you in the Discussion Forum or the Discussion Room!
- February 15 is K&D Show #402, whereat we celebrate show #400! Come on down to the WGDR studios in Plainfield, Vermont and join us live, 2:30-4:30pm, for our on-air party. We'll be doing Radio Station KNDAM -- two hours of AM-radio-style new nonpop huckstering! It'll be worth it. Bring yer own snacks, and we'll eat 'em. Join us Saturday, February 15! (And yes, we are still broadcasting from WGDR ... another eight weeks' reprieve.)
- Got K&D in you? If so, please send us your contribution. Even though we received a generous gift from The Argosy Foundation, we have lots of work to do this year -- including a budget of nearly $15,000 required to transcribe all 200 K&D interviews. Go to our contact page to mail your contribution or drop your contribution into our PayPal account. Kalvos & Damian -- as well as monthly contributors Canary Burton, Steve Layton, and Matthew Fields -- will thank you.
- New shows are posted! On show #400, now posted, we marked the loss of CRI Records. The "Composers' Wisdom" series (shows #395-399) is now available (along with previous shows in this 13-program series). Our interview with Kyoko Kobayashi is posted, with short answers that had both Kalvos and Damian scrambling, and the one with Daniel Goode, who had long answers that amounted to the same flummoxing of K & D. These shows join the recent two-parter with Michael Boriskin's detailed views on new music, complete with George Perle analysis & demo, followed by Steven Holochwost's tonal approach to the serial techniques, and K&D's own latest favorite tunes! Playlists are up, too, if you want to know what was heard.
- New clips from show interviews are posted! On their K&D pages, hear comments by Laurie Anderson, Daniel Goode, James Grant, Tom Heasley, George Lewis, and Elliott Schwartz
- Do you prefer MP3 format? We have used RealAudio on this site since 1995. Our arrangements with composers and record labels keep us at a modem-streaming mono format for archived shows, but we want to move to MP3/32K streaming. We have posted all shows since August 10 in dual formats. We do not plan to convert our earlier 370-plus shows. That means two players (Real and MP3) to listen to everything. Also, MP3 files are 50% bigger than RealAudio. So we really need your feedback on whether to switch. Please let's hear from you!
- If your local radio station would like to broadcast K&D, we'll be happy to supply the show on a pair of CDs at a nominal cost. Please contact us for information.
- September 11 Musical Gallery is one of our most listened-to features. The New York Times article, "Elegies and Tone Poems Respond to Tragedy," appeared on October 29, 2001. Read Matthew Mirapaul's thoughtful piece about this collection on K&D.
- Have you been listening to Ought-One? Almost the entire Ought-One Festival (More about Ought-One itself is found here, including some great reviews.) has been broadcast and cybercast on K&D, and is archived in our 2001 and 2002 shows. Check out the audio archives and playlists for more info, or our past notices for a brief description of these festival concert shows.
February 1
Show Postponement
- Due to the loss of the space shuttle Columbia, the K&D 400th celebration will be postponed for two weeks. Instead, we will be marking a different sort of tragedy today, the loss of CRI Records
January 26
- February 1 is K&D Show #400! Come on down to the WGDR studios in Plainfield, Vermont and join us live, 2:30-4:30pm, for our on-air party. We'll be doing Radio Station KNDAM -- two hours of AM-radio-style new nonpop huckstering! It'll be worth it. Bring yer own snacks, and we'll eat 'em. Join us Saturday, February 1! (And yes, we are still broadcasting from WGDR ... another ten weeks' reprieve.)
- Got K&D in you? If so, please send us your contribution. Even though we received a generous gift from The Argosy Foundation, we have lots of work to do this year -- including a budget of nearly $15,000 required to transcribe all 200 K&D interviews. Go to our contact page to mail your contribution or drop your contribution into our PayPal account. Kalvos & Damian -- as well as monthly contributors Canary Burton, Steve Layton, and Matthew Fields -- will thank you.
- New shows are posted! We shudda mentioned: The "Composers' Wisdom" series (shows #395-398) is up, and Composers' Wisdom XIII (#399) should be ready shortly.
- Hey! The K&D Live Discussion Forum is open! We're forgetting to tell you stuff. It's a Java thing, so don't be surprised by the loading time, and it's free, so there will be an advertisement for the software creator. See you there!
- Eric Ross is coming to Vermont with his Theremin, and K&D will be performing with him. Look for an announcement this fall!